Bob Mock, Senior Associate / GWWO Architects

Bob Mock


Senior Associate

A dedicated project manager, Bob skillfully coordinates large and often complex project teams for a variety of the firm’s institutional clients, including many universities and school systems. His attention to detail and close coordination with clients and design teams has proven successful on many multi-phase projects with long-term schedules. Passionate about the use of technology, he assisted in the development of the firm’s long-term strategy, ensuring our technology continues to be as efficient and effective as possible.

Bob holds a Bachelor of Architecture degree from Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University and is a member of the AIA.


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Meet Other Associates

Amanda McKinney

Amanda McKinney

Associate / Controller
Kiersten Howe

Kiersten Howe

Senior Associate / Communications Manager
John Bernet

John Bernet


Lisa Andrews

Lisa Andrews


Senior Associate
Meet The Rest Of The Team